Thursday, May 31, 2012

Today's Salad-Extra Dressing

Still loving my salads, but eager to stock up on garbanzo beans and find some new add-ins. The orange pepper is somewhat forgetable and I miss the red one.
100g romaine lettuce raw  
sugar snap peas 15g  
salsa 40g  
100g chicken breast  
garbanzo beans fm 50g  
DRESSING: newmans balsamic lite 45g  
raw celery 50g  
cucumber 100g  
orange pepper 50g  
red onion raw 25g  
bean sprouts 50g
Calories 367, 10g fat 24g carbs, 37 protien, 12.5 sugars, 9g fiber

The extra dressing wasn't as exciting as I was hoping it would be.

I slept in today and missed my walk! That's a bit disturbing!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

His Mercies Are New Every Morning

It happened fast! I ate four pieces of pizza and spoonfuls of chocolate chips and peanut butter yesterday. There's no excuse. The reason is: I wanted to. That stinks. Pizza is fine, uh, in moderation! And the pb & chocolate is something that needs to be put away, the salty and sweet need to come from something else.

The Lord told me "no refined sugars" right at the beginning, unless a special occasion, like my daughter making cookies. Tuesdays are special occasions, right? No. That means that the chocolate chips aren't on my menu. So why am I eating them? Thinking about one day a week having a treat, though, because long term this has to work. But that's not what the Lord is saying, I'm saying it. Nix.

So the reality is that I used several excuses to justify eating more. This is bothersome because I'm not dieting, I'm not feeling deprived, I am restricting calories and restricting consuming certain things (for which I really haven't had any cravings) for a season for weight loss. So why the binge-y behavior?

I'm in my cycle and maybe that is the reason...but that's still no excuse. I was really hungry yesterday, too and today, too. So what do I do with extra hungry days? Why not allow an extra 200 calories in the form of something filling...having a hungry day? Eat this...

That was last night. Now we come to today. I'm out of cooked chicken and clean lettuce and it's already 2pm, which is late for lunch and I'm famished. F O O D - N O W (gasping). In desperation, I tossed together something. I didn't have what I really wanted for lunch (a salad) but two semi-tasty wraps with not enough chicken (though the tortillas pack a bit of protein). When all was said and done:
412 calories, 17g fat, 25 carbs, 36 protein, 6 sugars and 28 fiber (the high fiber tortillas).

Lessons: I need to make sure to stay a day ahead with my salad stuff. I also want to get all the salad stuff into one drawer or one place so it is really easy to gather what I need. I have an extra loose refrig drawer, maybe I'll put that on a shelf and use it as a "box" that I can pull out onto the counter and arrange my salad. Also need to come up with a "hungry day" optional boost. This evening's dinner is a new meal, a new start, I don't have to blow the rest of the day because I've exceeded my morning and afternoon benchmarks. It's all going to be ok, this is just a day or two or three, keep going. I'm so glad His mercies are new every morning!

God's loyal love couldn't have run out, His merciful love couldn't have dried up.
They're created new every morning. How great Your faithfulness!
I'm sticking with God. (I say it over and over). He's all I've got left.
Lamentations 3:22-23 The Message

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Arthur Boorman DDP Yoga Video

This post is so I can remember the video. The title of the video that came across my newsfeed on Facebook is: "Man Barely Able to Stand on his Own Does the Unthinkable - Amazing". The main video with 4 million views is here:

If the video doesn't play:

Monday, May 28, 2012

Today's Salad-Bacon

Great purchase! My daughter is on a bacon kick and this is a very convenient way to get some quick bacon bits! I put 7g in her eggs this morning and in my salad today. Speaking of salad...
DRESSING: newmans balsamic lite 30g 
100g romaine lettuce raw 
75g chicken breast 
salsa 40g 
sesame sticks FM 10g (15 pieces) 
bacon crumbled kirkland brand 7g 
red onion raw 25g 
raw celery 50g 
red pepper raw 50g 
sugar snap peas 15g 
garbanzo beans fm 50g 
raw celery 50g
380 calories, 13g fat, 26g carbs, 32g protein, 11g sugars, 9g fiber

Whoohoo, that bacon added just a little sweet and salty zip! Sesame sticks taste good today. Had to do half garbanzo beans, half pinto/black beans. GET more garbanzo beans! Yesterday's frozen peas were a waste of time...but I'm thinking fresh peas might be nice. Our frig is bursting at the seams now that we're buying more fresh fruits and vegetables. Going to get ANOTHER set of Pyrex.

I think I'll chop the bacon into smaller pieces...I ended up with a few bacony bites instead of many bacon flavored bites.

Monday Weigh-In 4

Last week I had two days that I overate. Now mind you, not like I used to overeat (thousands of calories), but I was concerned. But here we go...WHOHOOO!

The scale last Monday:
225.1 pounds

The scale today:
221.3 pounds

Pounds lost this week:
-3.8 pounds

Net pounds lost since May 2, 2012:
-8.2 pounds

I'm speechless. 3.8 pounds this week!? I think my body is SO happy to be burning some fat, it is in hyperdrive to health! I've exceeded my first goal and now need to set another goal!

To see weight loss by week go to the SCALE page or CLICK HERE.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Hike-Squires Lake Park

Great hike today. I keep thinking I'm going to take a day off exercising so my muscles can repair but I never do! SO, tomorrow I AM going to take the entire day off from exercising, but I'm going to miss it! (WHO am I !?!??!)

Today's salad was just OK...first day that I've felt less than enthused...and I was certainly hungry, but this just didn't really have much flavor. Maybe a little salsa would have helped.

100g romaine lettuce raw75g chicken breast 
cucumber 50g 
red onion raw 25g 
raw celery 50g 
red pepper raw 50g 
garbanzo beans fm 50g 
sugar snap peas 15g 
pecan chips target 10g 
frozen peas 20g 
bean sprouts 50g 
DRESSING: newmans balsamic lite 45g
399 calories, 16g fat, 28g carbs, 32g protein

Not going to bother. Just didn't have flavor. Want to forget this salad.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Need To Eat Extra Calories Tonight

I got to the end of the day and needed to eat more calories! Whoohooohoo! I could have eaten HALF this tasty dessert and been satisfied, but since it was my first time, I didn't do too badly! As usual, I weighed everything and I think half would have been better.

100g strawberries (would have been fine with 50g)
2T heavy cream
7g mini chocolate chips

LOVE fresh blueberries on my morning cereal, too!

We planned on eating lunch at Costco today. Uh, yeah, not any choices for me! So...I took my salad with me! LOVE the Pyrex covered dish, was perfect size (red lid).

Did I tell you? I'm eating my salads with a spoon now! I can get a nice heaping bite with a spoon...because the delectable morsels often fall off the fork, leaving me with a bite of lettuce, one bean and maybe an onion...with the spoon, I can gather several tasties in one bite!

100g romaine lettuce raw
flank steak 85g
garbanzo beans fm 50g
sesame sticks FM 10g (15 pieces)
sugar snap peas 15g
red onion raw 25g
raw celery 50g
DRESSING: newmans balsamic lite 30g   (LOVE this dressing!!!)
353 calories, 16g fat, 19g carbs, 30g protein

Fantastic flavor! I think it is the raw onion that brings it home! Not sure the sesame sticks are worth 4 grams of fat, though. Nice, but not stellar. It was really empowering to plan ahead and eat what I wanted instead of having to compromise over something really high carb (pizza, chicken wrap thing, hot dog on bun).

Did even more DDP Yoga today. Did not walk, but we spent HOURS shopping today! Does shopping count as exercise? Didn't I burn calories walking and standing around!?

UPDATE: I forgot that I ate a meal replacement bar! I should not have had dessert!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Today's Salad-Day 3 Diamond Cutter

I did the Ignition move (3 times) and 1 Diamond Cutter thim morning. Tiring!

Today's salad was delicious, but looking at the numbers, could have been better nutritionally.
100g romaine lettuce raw   
salmon, wild, moist heat 75g (it was 60g)   
cheese stick   
fresh asparagus raw 50g   
red pepper raw 50g   
cucumber 50g   
sugar snap peas 15g   
red onion raw 25g   
garbanzo beans fm 50g   
sesame sticks FM 10g (15 pieces)   
salsa 60g   
raw celery 50g   
DRESSING: newmans balsamic lite 30g
448 calories, 19g fat, 30g carbs, 34g protein

I was concerned I wouldn't get enough protein to hold me all afternoon, so I added a string cheese. That wasn't necessary, especially since we're having beef for dinner! That bumped up the calories and fat, which is why I don't bother putting cheese in my salad. What a waste, it just gets chewed up with the other ingredients and not properly enjoyed. I prefer to give my cheese the place of honor it deserves, front and center, warm and melty over a tortilla or rice cake!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Today's Salad

The only thing that needed chopping was a stalk of celery, everything else was ready to go!

100g romaine lettuce raw  
75g chicken breast  
red pepper raw 50g  
sugar snap peas 15g  
garbanzo beans fm 50g  
broccoli raw 41g  
raw celery 50g  
salsa 40g  
cucumber 50g  
pecan chips target 10g
fresh ground pepper
DRESSING: newmans balsamic lite 30g  
363 calories, 14g fat, 27g carbs, 29g protein, 11g sugars, 7g fiber

This is my favorite salad so far! LOTS of flavor and textures and crunch. Garbanzo beans are in my top 10 favorite foods, so any salad with them as garnish is really GOOD! I can't think of one thing I'd change. To reduce the fat, I could leave off the pecans, bringing fat down to 6.5 grams.

Good News So Far-Shin Splints and DDP YOGA

Well, this is good! I've continued stretches before and after my walk and I think the arch supports are indeed helping. Final evaluation will be if I can go a few days in a row with no pain...this is day 2.

I ordered the DDP Yoga dvds. There's a free video up and today I did TWICE as much as yesterday. Yesterday was 45 seconds, today 90 seconds. Funny, that's just all I can handle. It bumps up your heart rate pretty fast and I'll want to monitor that. Got an inexpensive heart rate monitor watch ($15) on eBay that looks very simple to use. Only pedometer and heart rate functions (JUST what I wanted)! There's debate over what works and doesn't, so here's to hoping this little purchase does work!

Eager to try the coconut milk on my cereal as I just ran out of almond milk.
Rainy and about 50°F again for the walk. Sweet Sarah came with me today, what a delight!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Started DDP Yoga This Morning

I'm cautiously VERY excited that my shins did not hurt this morning(!) I say cautiously because it will be more telling if on Saturday they don't hurt (after a few consecutive days). I wore the arch supports and have been doing a couple stretches before and after the walk. Same route, for now. I really wanted to go farther this morning, but decided I need to evaluate the shins before changing the distance (which will change the intensity, too, because of the various inclines).

I haven't purchased DDP Yoga yet, but I'm working on the moves. Did about a hard! In the past, I loved pushing myself, but with my body size, it just isn't a good idea. I need this to work for me and burning myself out at the start is only going to hurt my I'm going to take it as slow as I need to...kinda like the mailbox! I sense that the Lord has brought me to this exercise system as an answer to "what does GET STRONG mean for me"? We took the before pictures, pretty disgusting!

Raining on my walk and about 50°F and wonderful! Daniel came with me (favorite part of walking!) and got a nice shot of the neighbor's varigated weigela, along with a pine and some poppies.

His mercies are new every morning...I have a fresh new day to begin again.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tuesday Exercise and Food Notes

I've had a weird two days! Walked yesterday, that was pretty good because my shins had rested. Arch supports arrived, I like them! Wondering if I should get the next size up or not.

Last night's dinner was really delicious and I could tell I overate, but nothing like I used to! And this was chicken, vegetables and a small portion of brown rice! Still, not what I want to be doing (overeating anything).

Have had several servings of chocolate chips and peanut butter. I'm tracking it, but the chocolate chips pack 8 sugars per serving, so I want to keep that down.

Today I ate breakfast but then didn't eat til after 1pm...that's just too long. I think I need to "schedule" a snack around 11:30ish/noonish in the 100 calorie range.

Don't know what to do about leftovers. I love leftovers but then when do I eat my salad!? So today, no salad because I ate leftovers for lunch (LFL). Hmmmmmm. And what to do about dinner...I could easily eat a wrap or leftovers for lunch and have a salad for dinner. I think I need to "schedule" my salad for lunchtime, maybe I can toss some leftovers in with the salad!

Just another note about water...I don't sip it. If I take the time to put the glass to my lips, I take three large gulps. It goes really fast that way!

I'm unhappy because:
-I didn't walk today (went to grocery store instead)
-overate last night, had peanut butter and chocolate
-overate today, too! more pb & choc (I think I'll put that away for a bit) and had a difficult time tracking lunch & dinner

I don't need to be upset by this...move on and chock it up to a bump in the (long) road ahead of me. Wait a minute, I'm looking at my numbers, I've over with calories, fat and protein but 30% under on my carbs...maybe that's why I'm having some cravings...hmmmm. I may need to bring up the carbs...

OH! I did the DDP YOGA Diamond Dozen...well, TRIED it. There's a free video on the community site. I'm going to give it a try for awhile and then maybe order the program if I'm actually doing it. What amazing cardio if you keep those muscles clenched! This is something I really CAN DO! Dynamic resistance is going to be 100 times better than anything I've thought about so far including the trampoline. I like the idea of doing a simple bounce for my calves and just to get the pull on my fluids, but I would need a steel armor support bra to do anything more than that! Ahck!! A lot of "low impact cardio" workouts I simply cannot do because of all the knee actions.

I think I'll do the DDP Yoga and my walk tomorrow and see how I feel. Then maybe the DDP Yoga M W F...not sure.

OH, the fresh asparagus! One of my favorites! Clean asparagus, snap off ends, lay on foil covered cookie sheet or broiler pan, toss some kosher salt and fresh ground pepper, then drizzle olive oil and balsamic vinegar...cook for about 12 minutes on 350 or 400 (tonight the oven was set at 400).

Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday Weigh-In 3

What I did last week really paid off. This is really encouraging!

The scale last Monday:
227.7 pounds

The scale today:
225.1 pounds

Pounds lost this week:
-2.6 pounds

Net pounds lost since May 2, 2012:
-4.4 pounds

Wow, this is really working! I'm almost to my first goal of 224!

This photo was taken on the beach at Camano Island State Park. The little cross just jumped out at me and the photo turned out sweet. The Lord reminding me how much He loves me. :)

To see weight loss by week go to the SCALE page or CLICK HERE.

Sssssssh Don't Tell

I've really been wanting to move and stretch more (who IS this person!??!) This morning, I did some leg lifts before getting out of bed and I did a ton of butt crunches in the car on the way home from our hike! But don't tell!

Recipe for butt crunches:
Squeeze buttocks together.
Hold for 60 seconds.
Rest for 60 seconds.
Squeeze and hold for 60 seconds.
Rinse and repeat!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Weekend Hike-Camano Island State Park

We headed to Camano Island State Park this afternoon. Cool and rainy, but that didn't stop us! It was extra special having Gramma with us. Woodland trails and Puget Sound beach with plenty of driftwood!

Salad for lunch:
100g romaine
red pepper
red onion
water chestnuts
celery stalk
fresh ginger
10 blueberries
Newman's Sesame Ginger Lite
I ate lunch this afternoon around 1ish. I was hungry today. By 3pm I was really hungry. We ate snacks before we hit the trail and I have no clue what I ate. Then by dinner around 6:30 I was REALLY hungry and overate. I ate two chicken tortilla wraps (one is really plenty). I wasn't stuffed, but not really happy to have the calories not counted. I love that I can eat real food, thank you Lord! Tomorrow is Monday and I'm really excited to weigh myself because I've had a good week. I actually feel really good!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Today's Salad-Hungry

Today's salad is really big. It is 3pm and all I've had is a bowl of cereal this morning. The day just got away from me and now I'm really hungry. I was not wanting to chop onions, celery and red pepper, but now there's some ready for tomorrow. I just started tossing ingredients on top of the romaine and since there's a lot in the frig, I had many choices! This is what I made today:

100g romaine
75g chicken breast
100g cucumber
10 pieces mini sesame sticks
50g red pepper
25g red onion
2T pinto beans
50g celery
50g fresh corn cut from cob
alfalfa sprouts
15g olive oil
15g balsamic
salt & pepper
413 calories, 18g fat, 30g carbs, 29g protein

Whoah, too much fat! Looking at the spreadsheet, I can see that the fat is coming from the olive oil. Happy about protein today, would like to reduce carbs...carbs are coming from the corn and pinto beans. I love beans in my salad! The corn had a nice texture, maybe just don't use them together in the same salad. Yikes, I thought olive oil & balsamic would be a better option than what I have in the frig, but I would have been WAY better off with one of the Newman's dressings because the fat is 4-6g! Live and learn, now I know I won't do this combo for dressing again. My friend Carole let me taste the Newman's Lite Balsamic Vinaigrette today which was way more tasty than the Lite Italian. I'll be getting a bottle of that. I can use the Lite Italian as a marinade for chicken breasts to get rid of it. The olive oil is bumping the calories, as well...just not worth it to me! I'd like to find three dressings I can alternate...maybe the ginger sesame, balsamic vinaigrette and one another.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Today's Salad-All Green

Today's salad is all green! Grabbing what's around the kitchen, this is what I made:

100g romaine
135g chicken breast
75g cucumber
12 pieces mini sesame sticks
30g Newman's Lite Italian
345 calories, 14g fat, 4g carbs, 50g protein

That's the entire day's protein! I can use half, or let's say 75g of chicken. This salad dressing packs 6g of fat but it is olive and extra virgin olive oil...considering making my own dressings. I can bump up the carbs and calories (when I reduce the chicken), so some additional veggies would be good. I like to eat my cheese in other ways and find it wasted in my salad, so I won't add cheese, don't need the protein because of the meat and the fat I want to get from dressing.

What if my daily salad looked like this:
100g lettuce
75g chicken breast, tuna, salmon, beef
100g of three different veggies
a bit of crunchy carb or nut or fruit
30g dressing
I'll call it "My Salad System"!

No walking today, did grocery shopping yesterday, so no walk two days in a row. I'll go again tomorrow, maybe a shorter route. Searching online for low-impact cardio workouts at home...rebounding! I have a mini-trampoline!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

How To Calculate And Convert Calorie Amounts

I wanted to be a math teacher because I loved algebra so much in junior high. (Ironically, now that we homeschool our two children, I get to be that math teacher!) I love using math in everyday life and I use it e v e r y day. Here's an example that might be helpful to you.

This morning, the beautiful red strawberries on the counter were calling out to me. Fruit is good, in moderation. I grabbed one large strawberry and cut it up to toss in my Fiber One cereal. But how many calories in my particular strawberry?

The online calorie count offers "strawberries, raw, 1 cup, 53 calories". Well that's nice, but I only ate one strawberry and I happen to know it weighed 29 grams because I weighed it.  So how can I figure out how many calories reside in my 29 gram strawberry?

It is REALLY simple. It looks confusing because I've broken down each step into microscopic pieces, but once you do it a few times, you'll be able to do it forever with any food! I've put the explanation into a PDF for you, too. You can download it here:
I use this little trick ALL the time! But what makes it work is that I WEIGH my food instead of measuring volume. How can you do this, too?

  • Get a SCALE (here's what I use: )
  • Start WEIGHING your food instead of measuring it
  • It is vital to keep a journal of the foods you eat on a regular basis. I prefer to use my own spreadsheet. The first page of the Excel workbook is "today", then subsequent spreadsheet pages hold info for the foods I eat most often. Then it becomes really easy to cut and paste and add new foods. You can download my Excel file here link to be announced My friend Gretchen told me about an AWESOME free online calorie tracker (with apps) that is super easy to use called which you can use anywhere, on the go.
  • Don't put food in direct contact with your scale. With my method you'll never have to clean your scale. For example, I put my cereal bowl on the scale and zero out or tare the scale (pushing the tare button brings the measurement to zero so you'll be weighing the contents NOT including the bowl).

    I pour in some cereal...I know I need to be really close to 30 grams. I know this because on the cereal box there's a nutrition label. The label tells me the serving size and often it will show the volume measurement (1/2 cup) AND the weight in metric (30 grams) or imperial (1 ounce). Once the cereal is weighed, I push the tare button again to zero out the scale. Now I'm ready to measure the milk (almond milk today). I pour it directly on the cereal and pay attention to the weight. Next, tare the scale again and slice the strawberry into the bowl, make note of the weight.

    If at any point this becomes tricky, don't pour directly into your bowl...use a different bowl. But most of the time, it is fine for me to measure right into the container I'll be eating out of.
  • It might be helpful to remember that ONE OUNCE is about 28 GRAMS (or I round up to 30) and be sure to use GRAMS, not ounces, it is just easier.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Eat One Salad Per Day Prin 8

This process is organic...Spirit-led. I don't want to "put on" a diet, I want to authentically change my lifestyle and get healthy. A very big part of that process is actually losing weight. I've been concerned about my exercise...painful shin splints and not knowing exactly when to increase my distance and intensity for optimum fat burning. I'm no longer feeling confident that just walking is going to be my answer.

Thank you Lord for your latest one salad every day. I find that weighing ingredients is SO MUCH EASIER than measuring. I don't have to wash additional measuring utensils, just toss it in a bowl and weigh as I add ingredients. Here's today's salad:
-100g romaine lettuce
-30g Newman's AWESOME Ginger Sesame Dressing LITE
-115g chicken breast
-60g salsa
240 calories, 6g fat, 9 carbs, 32g protein

Now I need to make a salad matrix with favorite salad additions for easy shopping!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Shin Splint PAIN

Oh, yes, the return of shin splints. My very unwelcome friend from years gone past.

In college, I used to RUN. Yep, up to 7 miles per day. How exhilarating when I recall those days. I probably weighed about 140lbs back then and still experienced the pain of shin splints. In the past, ice, stretching and ibuprofen didn't help. If I can't overcome this pain, I won't be able to continue walking for exercise. :(

I've walked three days in a row with severe pain...first day my walk took 23 minutes, then 26 and today 30. I'm slowing down because of the pain. That's not good because I want to keep up my cardio. Since this is a chronic problem I might have to find an alternative method of exercise.

I have a few options:
-start using ice to reduce inflammation and increase effectiveness of "rest" time
-take ibuprofen to reduce inflammation
-increase arch support
-do calf-stretching exercises
-do exercises to strengthen opposing muscles
-decrease distance and intensity

Hmmmm. I'm going to start with "increase arch support". Tomorrow I might walk a shorter distance until the arch supports arrive.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday Weigh-In 2

My mother-in-law brought these gorgeous tree peonies for Mother's Day yesterday!

Today I was not surprised to see 227.7-weight gain. I had several days where I just ate too many calories. I stopped tracking what was going in because I made casseroles, so difficult to calculate, so I just didn't bother, though I did eat LESS.

I have my morning egg, 1/2C Fiber One cereal and 1/2C whole milk for 205 calories, 9 grams fat, 16 carbs and 12g protein. And very filling because of the 14g of FIBER! Yay!

I wouldn't mind finding a system for lunch...chicken salad is a favorite and a great way to consume some vegetables! Right now, I need to find a way to GET STRONG as the Lord led me to that at the end of April as my next step.

I'm very interested in after clicking a video link on Facebook. Here's a YouTube of the video here. So I'm really curious about the strength training he did. I also have some Pilates videotapes that I was doing some time ago. Maybe I should give those another try.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Milk Substitute

I wanted to replace milk because of the sugars...I'm good with dairy, and appreciate the calcium. I noticed something very interesting...whole milk and 1% have the same amount of sugars per serving! So what would I gain by reducing from whole to 1% milk? Reducing calories and fat (this of course is good), but I want to reduce sugars right now for optimum weight loss.

I bought unsweetened almond milk to try on the morning cereal and it's thinner than water! Using 1/2 cup almond milk plus 1/2T of heavy whipping cream brings it all together, WITHOUT the sugar! The heavy cream has zero protein, but I get plenty of protein so for now, this is a delicious substitute!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Product-La Tortilla Smart and Delicious Low Carb High Fiber Tortillas

This is an AWESOME product! I bought these after reading through Jorge Cruise's "Belly Fat Cure" and I love their nutrition label!
Product Profile: (per tortilla)
50 calories
2g fat
10g carb (counts as only 3 when subtracting the fiber!)
7g fiber
5g protein
WOW! I could cook these as chips, now there's an idea!

UPDATE 05/24/2012: I purchased the larger ones because these small ones just don't hold much. The big ones are easier to roll up.
Per tortilla:
80 calories
3g fat
6g carbs (18-12=6!)
12g fiber
8g protein
1g sugars
YIPPEE! LESS carbs in the larger ones!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Double Eyelash Big Loop 1.1 Miles Today's Flowers

I took my camera along with me...too many rhodies, azaleas and lilacs to stop for them all. What a gorgeous day. It was about 55°F so I wore my vest, love the cool morning! The uphill grade from the mailbox is just getting easier and easier...fascinating.
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