Sunday, February 16, 2014


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For the past month, I've been increasingly desperate every single day about my fatness. I MUST overcome.

In the past, when I've tracked calories, I've used my spreadsheet. I've learned so much doing this! In order to lose weight, I'm going to have to KNOW what I'm really eating and tracking calories will only be for a season. I've decided to join in order to track my calories more efficiently and enter into the process of reducing calories and increasing my exercise.

One thing I've come to realize is that the morning walk is not optional. I thought the health bounce on the rebounder would replace walking, but at my low level of activity, it just hasn't. I can see the potential, though, if I was doing more than a health bounce. This means I've gained weight because I haven't been walking. I had to order some new, bigger shirts. This of course, isn't the direction I want to go!

As I've been digging in with what I need to do, I've decided that I'm in a new season. These past two years have been incredible when I look back and see the changes I've made. But I can sense there's a new season right in front of me. That in order to lose weight, I need to get more focused and develop a plan based on what the Lord's told me to do. For two years, I've been focused on the freedom of NOT DIETING, but obeying what the Lord tells me to do. Counting calories at this stage for me isn't about restriction, it's not about dieting, it's about accountability and telling myself the truth.

I've decided to start a new blog for this new season. I'm not ditching this blog, I'll be referring to it on the new blog, but I won't be updating this one regularly as I'll be doing my processing on the new blog.


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