It happened fast! I ate four pieces of pizza and spoonfuls of chocolate chips and peanut butter yesterday. There's no excuse. The reason is: I wanted to. That stinks. Pizza is fine, uh, in moderation! And the pb & chocolate is something that needs to be put away, the salty and sweet need to come from something else.
The Lord told me "no refined sugars" right at the beginning, unless a special occasion, like my daughter making cookies. Tuesdays are special occasions, right? No. That means that the chocolate chips aren't on my menu. So why am I eating them? Thinking about one day a week having a treat, though, because long term this has to work. But that's not what the Lord is saying, I'm saying it. Nix.
So the reality is that I used several excuses to justify eating more. This is bothersome because I'm not dieting, I'm not feeling deprived, I am restricting calories and restricting consuming certain things (for which I really haven't had any cravings) for a season for weight loss. So why the binge-y behavior?
I'm in my cycle and maybe that is the reason...but that's still no excuse. I was really hungry yesterday, too and today, too. So what do I do with extra hungry days? Why not allow an extra 200 calories in the form of something filling...having a hungry day? Eat this...
That was last night. Now we come to today. I'm out of cooked chicken and clean lettuce and it's already 2pm, which is late for lunch and I'm famished. F O O D - N O W (gasping). In desperation, I tossed together something. I didn't have what I really wanted for lunch (a salad) but two semi-tasty wraps with not enough chicken (though the tortillas pack a bit of protein). When all was said and done:
412 calories, 17g fat, 25 carbs, 36 protein, 6 sugars and 28 fiber (the high fiber tortillas).
Lessons: I need to make sure to stay a day ahead with my salad stuff. I also want to get all the salad stuff into one drawer or one place so it is really easy to gather what I need. I have an extra loose refrig drawer, maybe I'll put that on a shelf and use it as a "box" that I can pull out onto the counter and arrange my salad. Also need to come up with a "hungry day" optional boost. This evening's dinner is a new meal, a new start, I don't have to blow the rest of the day because I've exceeded my morning and afternoon benchmarks. It's all going to be ok, this is just a day or two or three, keep going. I'm so glad His mercies are new every morning!
God's loyal love couldn't have run out, His merciful love couldn't have dried up.
They're created new every morning. How great Your faithfulness!
I'm sticking with God. (I say it over and over). He's all I've got left.
Lamentations 3:22-23 The Message
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