Friday, May 4, 2012

Double Eyelash Big Loop 1.1 Mile Walk

It was really difficult to get out the door and walk this morning. I'm SO glad I pushed through and did it anyways. I need to do some stretching because I'm a bit creaky and drink more water.

I did NOT like my 8 minute exercise cards this morning...I had to lay on the floor, which I wasn't willing to do today, so I searched on sitting exercises. I did butt crunches and leg lifts instead. No Shake Weight. Just really tired today, but that is part of the strengthening process, so I don't have to get really legalistic about it. I'm glad I took yesterday off and I'm also glad I got back to it today. Tomorrow (Saturday) we'll do a waterfall hike. More exercise! YAY!

Here's today's walk which was WONDERFUL. After a day off, this was the perfect walk and the morning was cool and cloudy-my FAVORITE. I've been thinking about the weather changing and what I'm going to do when it is warmer (I HATE the heat). Get up earlier is my answer! I'm going to NEED to get up earlier to put in my mileage, it is taking longer to do my walks!

I REALLY like this walk and can't believe it is a MILE! I'm walking a MILE everyday!!! This walk could also be doubled or extended. I didn't realize what a blessing this neighborhood is with regards to walking! I did this map differently than the other last night as I did not use the roads to determine distance, I actually mapped the sidewalks. I'm going to do this route for several days before bumping up the distance. Also, starting out this morning (the first 50 yards is an extreme incline) was a breeze...I can tell I'm getting stronger! YAY!

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