Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sunday Weigh-In 17

I walked SEVEN DAYS IN A ROW! I've never done that!

The scale last Monday:
218.8 pounds

The scale today:
219.1 pounds

Pounds gained this week:
+0.3 pounds

Net pounds lost since May 2, 2012:
-10.4 pounds

Total mileage this week:
11.0 miles

To see weight loss by week go to the SCALE page or CLICK HERE.

Thursday, August 23, 2012


WOW, I did it!

The Lord filled me with His Spirit and I have a new desire to obey in this area and get serious about actually losing weight. LESS of me Lord, in every way!

He said to me, "it is not too much for you to drink ten glasses of water everyday"...I have NEVER made the ten glasses mark, though I keep track everyday. YESTERDAY, empowered by His love, I did it! It is my goal everyday to do this.

My image is the word "ten" and there are ten you can see I've had two glasses of water today. Way more fun than checking boxes. :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Walk Adjustments

I've had a challenge with my husband returning to work. I have to get up much earlier to complete my 1.5 miles. But that has been a wonderful blessing, it is COOLER earlier!

I've also added about .2 miles to my walk (making it that much longer!) which has made some days 1.7 miles! I've been flexible about doing the 1 or 1.5 or 1.7 mile loop depending on timing. I think I'm getting into the earlier groove!

This sweet rose was along a fence this morning.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Telling The Truth

I need to tell myself the truth. In reality, I've only given PARTS of myself to the Lord in this process...I'm starting to really see what a strong hold I've given food over me. I need the Lord to do a work in me as I repent.

He has been so loving and kind to give me these things to do and I have not obeyed completely. I'm wanting to give this up to Him and walk in His ways all the way, with all of me.

I'm so grateful for all the Lord has done these past months...leading me to start walking and all the other things He's told me to do.

It started with :
-starting walking to the mailbox (good)
-eat more fiber (good)
-drink more water (is it THAT difficult?)
-eat half (have not been engaging here)
-one salad a day (good)
-no refined sugar (except for special occasions) (I've been wishy-washy not wanting to give it up the way He's asked)
-GET STRONG (haven't been willing to exert myself with DDP)

I have all the steps I need...I need to do them and I need His power to do them at all.

The Lord has led me to fasting the past few days, just giving up lunch. I'm praying for him to empty me of myself. I want to suffocate this gluttonous monster who wants to eat more than I need. Just exercising self-control with regards to fasting has opened my eyes to my own licentiousness toward myself.

He recently convicted me about eating BEFORE the eating. I was at an event and I was putting out some brownies and had the idea that I'd just eat one brownie while loading the serving plates. This incident brought me to repent of this self-centered habit of eating while I'm preparing meals. Thank You Lord for showing me and empowering me to have self-control as I prepare meals in the kitchen.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sunday Weigh-In 16

I've decided to weigh on Sundays starting today. I've noticed several things...I have seriously changed my eating habits! I don't just gorge on whatever I want...I'm always thinking 300/300/300+150+150...three small meals of 300 calories each plus two snacks of 150 each. BUT I'm not losing weight...I'm still overeating. I need to DECIDE if I REALLY want to lose...I'm indulging in too many calories for dinners, though I do really well with breakfast and lunch (salad) through the day until about 4ish.

The scale last Monday:
218.2 pounds

The scale today:
218.8 pounds

Pounds gained this week:
+0.6 pounds

Net pounds lost since May 2, 2012:
-10.7 pounds

Total mileage this week:
5.5 miles

To see weight loss by week go to the SCALE page or CLICK HERE.

Friday, August 17, 2012

The Grouse

I've been meaning to blog about this for awhile. I know these are common creatures, but I've always been fond of grouse. They always seem to be in pairs and I love the way they seem to float as they scurry along. I feel like it is a special day when I see the grouse on my morning walk.

Recently I saw TWO pair of grouse. The only time I've ever seen two pair and I hope to see them again soon!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Monday Weigh-In 15

I'm really surprised I haven't gained a whole lot with the sugar I've been eating. Just in the course of daily life, it is amazing how much sugar actually crosses my path. Last week was my husband's first week at his new job, hooray! And I'm realizing this week that I'm in transition again, transitioning back to a schedule without him at home. He's been getting up much earlier (a bonafide miracle) so I'm having to get up earlier to complete my walk before he leaves. This has been a challenge for me.

The scale last Monday:
219.4 pounds

The scale today:
218.2 pounds

Pounds lost this week:
-1.2 pounds

Net pounds lost since May 2, 2012:
-11.3 pounds

Total mileage this week:
3 miles

To see weight loss by week go to the SCALE page or CLICK HERE.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Monday Weigh-In 14

Posting on August 15th.
The scale last Monday:
220.6 pounds

The scale today:
219.4 pounds

Pounds lost this week:
-1.2 pounds

Net pounds lost since May 2, 2012:
-10.1 pounds

Total mileage this week:
3 miles plus a camping trip (doesn't that count for some exercise?)
To see weight loss by week go to the SCALE page or CLICK HERE.
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