Saturday, March 23, 2013

Saturday Walk

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I didn't walk for various reasons. But today I walked a mile in the chilly 34°F weather.

Thursday was the second day of Spring, and it SNOWED!

I must comment that my new walk is SO BORING. I mean, REALLY b o r i n g. My previous neighborhood walks were interesting because in every yard I passed (many!) there was something going on with the gardens or, fruit, color, new growth, leaves, etc. Now I walk in a straight line along a barbed wire fence with traffic whizzing by on one side and behind the chain link, barbed wire fence I can see native Pacific Northwest flora including mostly evergreens, which just don't have a lot of color or interest. I don't think it has to be a deal breaker, but it makes me appreciate my previous route.

I've enjoyed a salad almost everyday this week. I was sad on the day I put the wrong dressing on, though! Fresh blueberries are right around the corner, ooooh, how I've missed them!

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