Saturday, October 13, 2012

Different Walk Today

I really felt today's walk. I started out about 10am at 55°F-quite balmy! I was looking forward to some heavy rain, but there was barely a moistness to the air...though the rain is officially BACK! It rained last night and the sidewalk pipes were running loud this morning. They say we've had the driest Aug/Sept/Oct in 65 years! I believe it, it has been marvelous!

It was good just to be out this morning. I did my normal loops but then at the top, I decided to venture another street. When I turned around, I decided my feet and ankles and shins were feeling it and I didn't want to overdue it and diminish my desire to walk again tomorrow. So I headed straight home, avoiding the loop around.

Well, I was surprised to see that it was over ONE MILE! That seems like a lot since I'm a little rusty. Encouraging. Can't wait for tomorrow. :)

My strategy has changed...I'm going to MAKE SURE that I walk both Saturday and Sunday because I can get up a little later and walk in the light. So I don't want to miss those days during fall. And I'm "beginning again"...I'm not going to think about food this week, just re-focus on getting out in the morning to walk and drinking water and eating my fiber. I feel fat. I can tell that the scale is going to reflect this feeling, so get ready.

Yesterday as I woke up, I had a thought (thank You Lord) about putting in a timer in my bedroom to automatically make the lights go on at 6:45am (it's so dark now)! Also the idea to put a desk where we have a bunch of boxes so I can do some word (Word) studies before bedtime.

1 comment:

  1. How nice it will be to have a place set up just for word studies! And I look forward to hearing how your auto-light works out for you. :)


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