Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday Weigh-In 24

I've decided to stop weighing for awhile. Why? I'm not eating in a way that will encourage weight loss right now...I need to get back into my walking routine. I've had two days recently where I've overeaten, though not like I used to! Sunday Weigh-In is putting pressure on me that I don't want, so I'm putting it on hold for now.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Different Walk Today

I really felt today's walk. I started out about 10am at 55°F-quite balmy! I was looking forward to some heavy rain, but there was barely a moistness to the air...though the rain is officially BACK! It rained last night and the sidewalk pipes were running loud this morning. They say we've had the driest Aug/Sept/Oct in 65 years! I believe it, it has been marvelous!

It was good just to be out this morning. I did my normal loops but then at the top, I decided to venture another street. When I turned around, I decided my feet and ankles and shins were feeling it and I didn't want to overdue it and diminish my desire to walk again tomorrow. So I headed straight home, avoiding the loop around.

Well, I was surprised to see that it was over ONE MILE! That seems like a lot since I'm a little rusty. Encouraging. Can't wait for tomorrow. :)

My strategy has changed...I'm going to MAKE SURE that I walk both Saturday and Sunday because I can get up a little later and walk in the light. So I don't want to miss those days during fall. And I'm "beginning again"...I'm not going to think about food this week, just re-focus on getting out in the morning to walk and drinking water and eating my fiber. I feel fat. I can tell that the scale is going to reflect this feeling, so get ready.

Yesterday as I woke up, I had a thought (thank You Lord) about putting in a timer in my bedroom to automatically make the lights go on at 6:45am (it's so dark now)! Also the idea to put a desk where we have a bunch of boxes so I can do some word (Word) studies before bedtime.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Two Mile Walk

Here's a two mile walk. I'm wondering how long it would take me to do this and how much earlier I might have to get up...just wondering...

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Back on the Horse Again

Image courtesy of TeddyBear[Picnic] /

What happened to September!? I took three weekend trips in five weeks, finished a long-term project which involved driving to many different locations, my husband got a job offer and we considered moving (even finding a house), but it didn't work out in the end, not to mention our kitchen was updated with new counters and floors during this time and the house was powerwashed in preparation for painting anytime! My focus has not been on this blog nor losing weight!

The good news is that I've kept off TEN POUNDS since June-that's GOOD!

Thankfully, I can continue on! I walked this morning, extremely difficult to get up! It is dark outside in the morning now, grey and colder and soon to be wetter. I took a short walk...I have to finish before my husband needs to leave and with him leaving earlier, I have to get up earlier. But today, I was pleased to get out the door at all.

My focus today is WATER and SALAD!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sunrise October 2012

Official sunrise is 7:23am. These are the days leading to darkness! I detest the dark days of October through Christmas...let the grey dreariness begin!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

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