Monday, December 31, 2012

Rating My Day With Points-New Strategy

As I've been evaluating my situation, I realize that I must listen to my conscience and obey in order to overcome. I've been thinking a lot about how to proceed and have a new strategy to overcome my tendency to just simply "forget" what I'm doing here!

Success will not be dependent on any strategy, but it is helping me plan. Each day has a possible successful total of FIVE:
1-drink 5 glasses of water
2-eat Fiber One daily
3-eat salad daily
4-walk daily
5-no sugar

So everyday I'll give myself the points earned and then I can take averages each week or month. I love these little booklets and look forward to using them as a tool for my memory. The idea is that I focus on these things for four month I'll increase the water and possibly look at reducing calories.

I think what I really am doing here is counting my days. These little booklets represent the next year. I can SEE IT. Ultimately, the whole losing weight issue comes down to dying to self. :)

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