Sunday, February 16, 2014


You can find me here:

For the past month, I've been increasingly desperate every single day about my fatness. I MUST overcome.

In the past, when I've tracked calories, I've used my spreadsheet. I've learned so much doing this! In order to lose weight, I'm going to have to KNOW what I'm really eating and tracking calories will only be for a season. I've decided to join in order to track my calories more efficiently and enter into the process of reducing calories and increasing my exercise.

One thing I've come to realize is that the morning walk is not optional. I thought the health bounce on the rebounder would replace walking, but at my low level of activity, it just hasn't. I can see the potential, though, if I was doing more than a health bounce. This means I've gained weight because I haven't been walking. I had to order some new, bigger shirts. This of course, isn't the direction I want to go!

As I've been digging in with what I need to do, I've decided that I'm in a new season. These past two years have been incredible when I look back and see the changes I've made. But I can sense there's a new season right in front of me. That in order to lose weight, I need to get more focused and develop a plan based on what the Lord's told me to do. For two years, I've been focused on the freedom of NOT DIETING, but obeying what the Lord tells me to do. Counting calories at this stage for me isn't about restriction, it's not about dieting, it's about accountability and telling myself the truth.

I've decided to start a new blog for this new season. I'm not ditching this blog, I'll be referring to it on the new blog, but I won't be updating this one regularly as I'll be doing my processing on the new blog.


Saturday, February 15, 2014


I've been bike riding the past two sunny days! I LOVE IT!

We have a paved trail nearby and I've mapped out the flattest parts of the trail. There's a 2.5 mile stretch (5 miles round trip) that is really challenging. Even a little elevation gain puts me into hard breathing. I can do it in about 30 minutes.

This is good exercise!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Gabriel Method Update

It's only been a few days, but I'm really enjoying the evening visualization mp3! It is deeply relaxing and I like listening to the affirmations. Tomorrow I'll watch Video #6 while I walk on the treadmill and rebound on the trampoline. I'm really stoked about my new routines with exercise and sleep!

You can get the Evening Visualization mp3 for FREE here.

Monday, February 3, 2014

My Current Exercise Routine

OK, so I get more exercise than just chopping chicken! I bought a turkey breast from Costco and chopped it up for my husband's salads. I weigh 100g of turkey for him and 60g of chicken for me and put the portions in zip bags and store in the freezer. We have one or two nights a week where we have salad together for dinner while the kids have Cheesy Chicken Casserole or Mac n Cheese.

I really want to improve my strength (Get Strong).

Right now I'm doing:
treadmill (just starting to get back to walking, doing 10-15 minutes at 2.5 and no incline)
fitness blender easy warm up on YouTube
rebounding (15-25 minutes of health bounce)

This is more exercise than I've ever done before! This is completely sustainable and a good baseline from which to intensify.

What to work up to...I'd like to be walking a minimum of 30 minutes on the treadmill with some intense intervals, I should probably START with the warm up video and I like to bounce as a reward for the rest of it. I purchased the "10 Minute Trainer" kit and I'll look forward to starting that when I'm ready for more. I'm eager to use the resistance bands which came with the kit!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Better Sleep

I've been feeling desperate and looked back on the things the Lord has been telling me to do. Back in April of 2012, He told me to go to bed earlier and get up earlier. The past few months, I have really been getting to bed later and getting up later! I haven't had total victory in this area, so it is time to focus on this.

I asked Him what specific times I should go to bed and get up the other day. 11pm and 6:30am. Kids can have lights out at 10pm and then I can get myself in the sheets ready to sleep by 10:30/11:00pm.

I set my alarm to go off at 6:30am.

I've done this the past two nights. I feel fantastic!
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